The student-loan payment pause should be extended until 2023 to fix the ‘broken’ system, a top senator says: ‘It is ruining lives and holding people back’ Ayelet Sheffey 16 mrt 2022
A student-loan company that just took over 5 million borrowers’ accounts has ‘a growing list of scandals and abuses,’ report says Ayelet Sheffey 15 mrt 2022
2 House Republicans want to block another student-loan payment pause extension Ayelet Sheffey 14 mrt 2022
Canceling $50,000 in student debt would help Americans whose ‘only sin was to be born into a family who couldn’t write a check for them to go to school,’ Elizabeth Warren says Ayelet Sheffey 14 mrt 2022
Meet the congressman who wants to wipe out $25,000 of your student debt: ‘This isn’t a freebie or a giveaway. This is education.’ Ayelet Sheffey 12 mrt 2022
Billionaires made enough during the pandemic to pay off everyone’s student loans Juliana Kaplan, Ayelet Sheffey 11 mrt 2022
3 million Americans have more than $10,000 in medical debt, and they’re skipping doctor’s appointments because of it Ayelet Sheffey 10 mrt 2022
100,000 student-loan borrowers are now eligible for $6.2 billion in relief through reforms to a debt-forgiveness program Ayelet Sheffey 09 mrt 2022
Biden’s Education Department just dropped a fresh sign that student-loan payments might not resume in May Ayelet Sheffey 09 mrt 2022
Mitch McConnell is reportedly opposing free school lunches: ‘Kids are going to have less on their plates,’ Biden’s agriculture secretary says Ayelet Sheffey 08 mrt 2022