Millions of student-loan borrowers just got closer to relief, but a government report found thousands more are likely ‘entitled’ to forgiveness Ayelet Sheffey 01 mei 2022
Susan Collins swipes at Biden’s potential plan to wipe out some student debt Joseph Zeballos-Roig, Ayelet Sheffey 28 apr 2022
Bernie Sanders pushes back on Romney’s comments bashing student-loan forgiveness: ‘I know he thinks corporations are people, but does he know people are people?’ Ayelet Sheffey, Joseph Zeballos-Roig 28 apr 2022
Biden says he’ll ‘have an answer’ on student-loan forgiveness in the coming weeks — but he is ‘not considering’ $50,000 in debt relief Ayelet Sheffey 28 apr 2022
28,000 student-loan borrowers just got $238 million in debt wiped out after being ‘misled about the quality of their programs,’ Biden’s Education Secretary says Ayelet Sheffey 28 apr 2022
Mitt Romney lambasts Biden for considering broad student-loan forgiveness and calls it a ‘bribe’ for voters Ayelet Sheffey, Joseph Zeballos-Roig 27 apr 2022
GOP lawmakers want to block Biden from canceling student debt and extending the payment pause ‘in perpetuity’ Ayelet Sheffey 27 apr 2022
Biden reportedly told lawmakers he’s looking for ways to forgive most, or all, federal student debt Ayelet Sheffey 26 apr 2022
Student-loan borrowers in prison who fell behind on payments are getting more options to pay off their debt. It ‘will provide second chances to build a future,’ Biden’s Education Department says Ayelet Sheffey 26 apr 2022
The vast majority of young Americans likely to vote want Biden to act on student debt — but many don’t believe their votes make ‘a real difference,’ Harvard poll finds Ayelet Sheffey 25 apr 2022