Student-loan borrowers in public service have just over 2 months to use a waiver that would bring them closer to relief. 117 Democratic lawmakers want Biden to extend it through next summer. Ayelet Sheffey 23 aug 2022
A major student-loan company sowed ‘confusion and anxiety’ by mistakenly telling some borrowers they have debt payments due in September Ayelet Sheffey 23 aug 2022
With student-loan payments set to resume in just over a week, lawmakers are making their last-ditch efforts to sway Biden’s debt relief plans. Here’s what they’re saying. Ayelet Sheffey 23 aug 2022
Biden could reportedly cancel up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers making under $125,000 a year this week Ayelet Sheffey 22 aug 2022
An agency Elizabeth Warren criticized for exacerbating the student debt crisis and signing off on the ‘worst for-profit colleges’ just lost its federal recognition Ayelet Sheffey 22 aug 2022
Student-loan borrowers will know ‘within the next week or so’ whether Biden will cancel their debt and extend the payment pause, Education Secretary says Ayelet Sheffey 22 aug 2022
7.5 million student-loan borrowers are getting a fresh shot at debt relief. Here’s how to know if you qualify. Ayelet Sheffey 20 aug 2022
A group of student-loan borrowers over age 50 are going on strike if Biden restarts debt payments in 2 weeks: ‘I simply cannot pay off my student loans’ Ayelet Sheffey 18 aug 2022
Giving student-loan borrowers behind on payments a chance to return to good standing is ‘literally the definition of insanity,’ a top Republican lawmaker says Ayelet Sheffey 18 aug 2022
7.5 million student-loan borrowers in default will reportedly have 1 year after the payment pause expires to enroll in a program that returns them to good standing Ayelet Sheffey 17 aug 2022