Greta Thunberg en Donald Trump staan in Davos weer tegenover elkaar – de president kreeg één applausje voor het planten van bomen Alexandra Ma, Business Insider Nederland 21 jan 2020
Greta Thunberg and Trump will face off again at Davos. Here’s what happened the first time they met, and what they’ve said about each other since. Alexandra Ma 21 jan 2020
Giuliani associate Lev Parnas trolled Trump by threatening to release a new photo of them together every time the president claims not to know him Alexandra Ma 17 jan 2020
A plane returning to LAX dumped jet fuel over nearby elementary schools. 67 people, including children, have been treated. David Slotnick, Rosie Perper, Alexandra Ma 15 jan 2020
Iran’s president says he does not know what Boris Johnson ‘is thinking’ after the UK prime minister called for a Trump nuclear deal Adam Payne, Alexandra Ma 15 jan 2020
The Iran nuclear deal is on the brink of collapse as Britain, France, and Germany trigger a dispute mechanism to directly confront Iran Alexandra Ma 14 jan 2020
Boris Johnson wants to strike a new ‘Trump deal’ to replace the Iran nuclear agreement, which took 9 years to complete Alexandra Ma 14 jan 2020
How the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow stretch of water where ships carry $1.2 billion of oil every day, is at the heart of spiraling tensions with Iran Alexandra Ma 13 jan 2020
Over de smalle Straat van Hormuz vervoeren schepen dagelijks olie ter waarde van ruim €1 miljard – dit kan Iran doen Alexandra Ma 13 jan 2020
Here’s the unclassified copy of Trump’s memo to the Senate informing it of the Soleimani strike, which shows a huge loophole in his justification Alexandra Ma 09 jan 2020