This guy cemented a microwave to his head for a YouTube video, and had to be rescued by the fire brigade Alexandra Ma 08 dec 2017
Britain’s Defence Secretary has threatened to kill every single extremist who has left the UK to fight for ISIS Alexandra Ma 07 dec 2017
A Chinese local newspaper next to North Korea published a full-page guide on how to deal with a nuclear attack Alexandra Ma 06 dec 2017
The Manchester terror attack could have been prevented ‘had the cards fallen differently’ Alexandra Ma 05 dec 2017
Crew onboard a Cathay Pacific flight claim they saw North Korea’s latest missile test Alexandra Ma 04 dec 2017
England will play Belgium, Panama, and Tunisia in Group G of the 2018 World Cup Alexandra Ma 01 dec 2017
Here are some of the Russian Facebook ads meant to divide the US and promote Trump Tara Francis Chan, Alexandra Ma 02 nov 2017
Catalonia’s leader says the region earned independence but suspends the process in favor of dialogue Alexandra Ma, Elena Holodny 10 okt 2017