GCHQ has been messing with ISIS communications and making it ‘almost impossible’ for them to operate Alexandra Ma 12 apr 2018
Independent inspectors back up UK assessment that Russia poisoned former spy Alexandra Ma 12 apr 2018
Syrian military bases are emptying after Trump gave warning after warning of a US airstrike Alexandra Ma 12 apr 2018
Het Syrië-beleid van Trump lijkt heel erg op waar hij Obama vijf jaar lang fel om bekritiseerd heeft Alexandra Ma 11 apr 2018
Trump’s Syria policy looks a lot like everything he slammed Obama for 5 years ago Alexandra Ma 11 apr 2018
Planes are avoiding Syria in case they get caught in a US airstrike on Assad Alexandra Ma 11 apr 2018
China gaat alle 1,4 miljard burgers ‘sociale punten’ geven – dit zijn de straffen voor wie zich niet gedraagt Alexandra Ma 10 apr 2018
Yulia Skripal has been discharged from hospital after being poisoned with nerve agent Alexandra Ma 10 apr 2018
Syria and Russia blame Israel for missile strike on Syrian air base — and Israel isn’t denying it Alexandra Ma, Reuters 09 apr 2018
A demolition in Denmark went badly wrong and crushed the building next to it Alexandra Ma 09 apr 2018