Pret a Manger punished by ad regulator for claiming its food is ‘natural’ — while still using additives Alexandra Ma 18 apr 2018
Wetenschappers hebben bij toeval een enzym ontdekt dat ons probleem met plastic afval kan oplossen Alexandra Ma 18 apr 2018
The TV vs the fridge: A Russian joke shows why Putin’s propaganda isn’t working on his own people Alexandra Ma 17 apr 2018
The nerve agent used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal was delivered ‘in a liquid form’ Alexandra Ma 17 apr 2018
Scientists accidentally discovered a mutant enzyme that could help the world eliminate plastic waste Alexandra Ma 17 apr 2018
The CEO of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company compared Trump propaganda tactics to Hitler Alexandra Ma 17 apr 2018
A playful joke Obama told James Comey’s family shows why he was ‘a compelling leader’ Alexandra Ma 16 apr 2018
North Korean slaves found working abroad where they ‘give up being human’ to prop up Kim Jong Un’s life of luxury Alexandra Ma 16 apr 2018
The Cambridge Analytica data breach also harvested some people’s private Facebook messages Alexandra Ma 13 apr 2018
A desperately thin whale washed up dead on a beach with 29 kg of human trash in its stomach Alexandra Ma 13 apr 2018