Facebook: ‘We do not think of ourselves as editors’ but we may label fake news Alex Heath 01 dec 2016
Mark Zuckerberg’s posts about fake news were deleted from Facebook ‘by mistake’ Alex Heath 29 nov 2016
Some people are having Snapchat Spectacles fitted with prescription lenses, but don’t count on it Alex Heath 28 nov 2016
Everything you need to know about catching and fighting Ditto, the newest Pokémon in Pokémon Go Alex Heath 27 nov 2016
Twitter is giving Anthony Noto an additional $12 million a year in stock for his new job as COO Alex Heath 23 nov 2016
Pokémon Go is finally giving more people access to the game’s most wanted feature Alex Heath 23 nov 2016
Pokémon Go is finally giving more people access to the game’s most wanted feature Alex Heath 23 nov 2016
The founding story of Spectacles — how a small glasses startup that struggled to raise money turned into the future of $25 billion Snapchat Alex Heath 23 nov 2016
Instagram adds live video and disappearing group messages in its quest to conquer Snapchat Alex Heath 21 nov 2016