Apple is investigating after a video circulating online appeared to show a smoking iPhone 7 Plus causing the phone’s case to melt.

An Apple spokesperson told Mashable, which earlier reported the news, that “we are in touch with the customer and looking into it.”

It’s not immediately clear what was the cause of the apparent fault. The phone’s owner, Brianna Olivas from Arizona, told the news outlet that when she bought the phone in January it wouldn’t turn on, but when she took it into an Apple store she was told everything was fine after employees ran tests on the phone.

On Wednesday, Olivas tweeted a video recorded by her boyfriend of her phone smoking and melting.”My iPhone 7 plus blew up this morning,” she wrote. “Was not even using it, literally no explanation for this.”

She then tweeted these photos of the damage - which prompted some Twitter users to speculate the liquid in her case might have played a part in the alleged meltdown.

There is currently no evidence that this is a wider problem - as was the case with Samsung's exploding phone fiasco, where faulty batteries led to dozens of Note 7 smartphones dangerously malfunctioning. Samsung was ultimately forced to issue a global recall and discontinue the device, costing it $5 billion and battering its reputation.

An Apple spokesperson referred Business Insider to the company's initial comment to Mashable.