Evelyn poses for a selfie on the couch.
Courtesy of Evelyn Uncovered.
  • A 31-year-old new mom and OnlyFans creator was born with double reproductive systems.
  • During her 8 years as an escort, she used her left vagina for work and right for pleasure.
  • Now, she's rediscovering her left for pleasure, telling Insider she hopes to find a second G-spot.
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For years, Evelyn neglected her vagina – her left one, that is.

As someone with uterus didelphys, a condition that can cause people to be born with double reproductive organs, Evelyn largely relied on her right vagina for pleasure. That side, she found, provided easier orgasms.

And while she used her left vagina during her eight years as a sex worker to save the right for her personal life, "that was never enjoyable," said Evelyn, a 31-year-old in Australia who uses a pseudonym to protect her safety. "Sex work is work, you never feel good."

But recently, the new mom and OnlyFans creator is exploring the left hole as potentially pleasurable. Figuring out what she likes on that side "is sort of like being a virgin again," she told Insider.

Evelyn learned she has uterus didelphys when seeking an abortion in her early 20s

Evelyn knew something was different about her body when she first got her period, and tampons wouldn't work. When she began having sex, "it felt really, really different each time."

But Evelyn didn't learn what was different until her early 20s, when she sought an abortion and clinicians couldn't find the embryo. When they did, revealing another reproductive system, "it felt good knowing what was wrong with me."

Her condition, uterus didelphys, affects about 1 in 3,000 women worldwide. Reproductive anamolies like it can manifest in many ways since the reproductive tract forms from two groups of cells on each side of the body, Dr. Stephanie Ros, an OB-GYN at the University of South Florida, told Insider.

The cells are supposed to fuse in the center in utero, but that "can go wrong in many ways," Ros said. Evelyn's two sides remained unfused, but her outward anatomy is "normal." Some people have one vagina and two cervixes, and some have the reverse.

A double uterus doesn't always affect fertility, but it can increase the risk of miscarriage, early birth, and placental complications.

The condition came in handy as a sex worker

Evelyn, a nurse by training, spent eight years as an escort, a legal profession in Australia that she said she just fell into. The money, travel, and lifestyle all made it "really great," she said.

Evelyn poses in a tank top and ripped jeans.
Courtesy of Evelyn Uncovered

Her double-Vs were also a perk, though usually, clients didn't even know about the extra machinery. "When a person locates one vagina they often don't look to the right or left and notice a second," she said in a Reddit post. Evelyn could maneuver her body or use her hands to guide the person toward the left hole, she told Insider.

A couple times, however, clients discovered her secret. Once, a gynecologist became fascinated with her anatomy. "It became a bit like a medical exam. That was horrible," she said. Another man was convinced she'd had a botched sex change. "He was so distraught, he couldn't get out of there quick enough," she said.

Only early this year did Evelyn open up about about her condition. "Once I realized it wasn't going to hinder me and it wasn't a condition that I hated, that's when i came out publicly about having two," she said. "It just sort of blew up." Her story was covered by the Daily Mail, the Daily Star, and plenty of Australian news outlets.

Now, on OnlyFans, her double anatomy is celebrated, writing on Twitter: "I can f--k in one or both same time. I can fall pregnant in either or both at the same time. Wanna see triple penetration?"

She told Insider she hasn't found a second G-spot yet. "I'll keep looking."

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