Everyone knows Americans don’t agree on pronunciations.

That’s great, because regional accents and dialects are a major part of why American English is so interesting.

Josh Katz, a former Ph.D. student of statistics at North Carolina State University, published a group of awesome visualizations of Professor Bert Vaux and Scott Golder’s linguistic survey, which looked at differences in American dialects (via detsl on /r/Linguistics).

His results were first published on The Abstract, the NC State University research blog. The complete set of Katz’s maps, updated with the results from more than 350,000 new survey responses, are compiled in the new book “Speaking American,” publishing October 25 from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Katz gave Business Insider permission to publish some of the coolest maps from his collection.

This is an update of a post originally published by Walter Hickey.

The pronunciation of "caramel" starts disregarding vowels once you go west of the Ohio River.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Residents farther north have an oddly Canadian way of pronouncing "been."

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

For whatever reason, it's a "boo-wie" knife in Texas and D.C.*

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

UPDATE: Enthusiastic Marylanders have alerted us that there is indeed a town in Maryland called Bowie and pronounced "Boo-wie." That solves that. No word yet from Texans.

UPDATE 2: From a Texan: "It's pronounced Boo-wie because it's named after Jim Bowie (pronounced Boo-wie), who played a major role in the Texas revolution. That explains why we're the only ones who pronounce it correctly."

Americans can't even agree on how to pronounce crayon.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

The South is the only place where you'll try to call your "law-yer" instead of your "loyer."

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

The South is also really into slaw. The North and West call it coleslaw.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Addressing a group of people is the deepest and most obvious linguistic divide in America. It's also an example of how people in southern Florida pronounce things in the northern US style.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

We are a nation divided over mayonnaise.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Some of the deepest schisms in America are over the pronunciation of the second syllable of "pajamas."

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Everyone pronounces "pecan pie" differently.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

The Midwest calls carbonated soft drinks "pop," the Northeast and the West Coast call them "soda," and the South is really into brand loyalty.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Tiny lobsters are tearing this country apart.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

So are traffic circles.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

People in the Northeast Corridor put "sear-up" on their pancakes.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Philadelphia is just making it up as it goes along.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Let's ignore the East Coast/West Coast split and notice that Wisconsin and Rhode Island call a water fountain a "bubbler."

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

The Northeast (along with South Florida) puts on sneakers. Everyone else finds a pair of tennis shoes.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

The West Coast is really into its freeways.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Seriously? Alabama and Mississippi: That is terrible.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

Most of America realizes that New York really is "the City."

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"

These exist?!

Foto: source Josh Katz,"Speaking American"

Massachusetts, Long Island, and Jersey in particular hear a difference between Merry, Mary, and marry.

Foto: source Josh Katz, "Speaking American"