reporter about to be hit with a car
A vehicle struck reporter TorWSAZ-3 TV
  • A car struck a news reporter live on television as she was reporting on a broken water main.
  • The reporter, Tori Yorgey, hopped back up and told her colleagues and viewers that she was fine.
  • "My whole life just flashed before my eyes but this is live TV and everything is ok," she said.

A car struck a West Virginia-based television news reporter live on-air Wednesday night, but she quickly popped back up and continued reporting.

WSAZ-TV reporter Tori Yorgey, 25, was reporting on a water main break as television viewers suddenly watched a car peek into the frame behind Yorgey and strike her.

"I just got hit by a car, but I'm OK," Yorgey said moments after the incident. "I actually got hit by a car in college too just like that. My whole life just flashed before my eyes but this is live TV and everything is ok."

The reporter then stopped to speak with the driver of the vehicle that hit her, reassuring the driver that she was alright.

"Ma'am you are so sweet and you are ok," Yorgey said.

Shortly after being struck by the car, Yorgey finished her report on the ruptured West Virginian water main, though still clearly shaken up.

Yorgey also said that this is the last week of her employment at WSAZ-TV.

According to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, she'll be joining a Western Pennsylvania television station, WTAE-TV, as a nighttime reporter.

Yorgey was not immediately available for comment.

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