- Flu can involve mild to severe symptoms like cough, aches and pains, fever, chills, and a runny nose.
- Drinking fluids, getting rest, and using OTC medications for pain and fever can offer some relief.
- Call your doctor if you’re at high risk of complications or symptoms don't improve in a few days.
- Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.
Each flu season, about 8% of the US population gets sick from influenza, a common viral infection that attacks the nose, throat, and lungs.
The flu can cause mild to severe symptoms including cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, runny or stuffy nose, fever, and chills.
You should start to feel better in five to seven days, but in the meantime here are seven of the most effective treatments and remedies for flu symptoms, according to doctors.
1. Stay hydrated
If you've had the flu in the past, your doctor has probably recommended getting plenty of fluids — and with good reason: Your body needs more water when you're fighting off an illness.
A fever can cause dehydration, says Poston, and being dehydrated will only worsen any fatigue you experience.
Drinking more fluids can also thin out any mucus in your nasal passages and help ease congestion.
For daily fluid intake, which includes the water you get from foods as well as beverages, The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine recommends:
- 125 fluid ounces (3.7 liters) for men
- 91 fluid ounces (2.7 liters) for women
When you're sick, you may want to increase this by 2 to 3 cups. Edo Paz, MD, VP of Medical at K Health, advises letting your thirst be your guide.
Keep in mind that not all fluids are created equal. Poston recommends water, herbal tea, clear broth, warm lemon water with honey, and juice with no added sugar. When you're sick, it's generally best to avoid dehydrating beverages like alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated soda.
2. Get some rest
Getting enough rest is the single most important thing you can do when getting over the flu, says Poston.
Sleep supports your immune system, allowing your body to dedicate more energy and resources to fighting off the virus.
Additionally, research suggests that not getting enough sleep can actually increase your odds of getting sick, so rest may also be a strategy for flu prevention.
Make sure you're getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and if you're fatigued during the day, it's OK to take naps, says Paz.
3. Try over-the-counter medications to treat pain and fever
Over-the-counter pain medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil) can be taken to ease certain flu symptoms, like fever, body aches, throat pain, and headache.
Acetaminophen is typically what medical experts recommend because it can help reduce fevers. That said, it's not recommended for anyone with liver problems, as some of the medication is converted into a byproduct that's toxic to the liver and, if your liver isn't functioning normally, it can build up in the body.
Just know some research suggests that while fever-reducing drugs may make you temporarily feel better, they won't actually help you get better. Fevers are your body's natural response to infection, after all.
"A low-grade fever can help your immune system fight the flu virus. It's best to ask your doctor when you should treat a fever," says Paz.
4. Take a warm bath
A warm bath can be immensely soothing for sore, achy muscles.
"Try adding Epsom salt and baking soda to your bath to further reduce body aches, or you can add some drops of tea tree, juniper, rosemary, thyme, orange, lavender, or eucalyptus essential oils to help clear nasal passages," says Poston.
Since a warm bath can also help to induce drowsiness — helping you get the good night's sleep your body needs to fight off the flu — this could be a great addition to your bedtime routine, says Poston.
5. Gargle salt water
Struggling with a sore throat? A salt water gargle is a natural home remedy that's safe, affordable, and convenient, not to mention especially effective for viral infections like the flu.
Salt water gargles don't just provide immediate relief by easing pain and loosening mucus. The salt crystals also help dislodge viruses and bacteria. A small 2019 study of patients with a sore throat found that those who gargled with salt water experienced a significant decrease in self-reported pain after one week.
Give it a try by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle with this solution several times a day.
You can also try sucking on mentholated cough drops or using herbal and over-the-counter throat sprays to ease the pain from a sore throat, says Poston.
6. Use a humidifier
If the air in your home is too dry, it can irritate your nasal passages and throat, but a portable humidifier can offer some relief.
"Humid air can help loosen congestion and soothe a sore throat and nose. It also creates an inhospitable environment for influenza, which prefers a dry climate," says Poston.
Adding a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to the water in the humidifier may help with clearing sinuses, according to Poston. Remember to change the water daily to prevent the growth of bacteria.
If you don't have a humidifier, try a hot shower instead — the steam can help moisturize your dry nasal passages and ease muscle aches.
A 2010 study also suggests that portable humidifiers can help decrease the survival rate of the airborne influenza virus.
7. Try nasal irrigation
Nasal irrigation devices — like neti pots and bulb syringes — are considered a safe and common treatment for infections of the respiratory tract, such as the flu.
Not only can these saline nasal rinses help alleviate symptoms by moistening nasal passages, but they can also clear out clogged nasal passages so you can breathe more easily.
"Rinsing the nasal passages with warm salt water can also encourage virus particles and bacteria to flow from your nose," says Poston.
Give it a try:
- Mix 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in 8 ounces of warm distilled, sterile, or boiled water.
- Tip your head to one side.
- Using a bulb syringe or neti pot, pour water into one nostril.
- Lightly hold your other nostril closed from the outside and let the water drain out.
- Repeat two to three times, then treat the other nostril.
If you're immunocompromised, check with your doctor before using a sinus rinse device.
When to see a doctor
For some cases of flu, it's best to seek advice from a doctor or other healthcare professional.
A few signs it's time to connect with your doctor:
- Symptoms that suggest a secondary bacterial infection such as ear pain, difficulty breathing, or fever or headache that won't go away
- A sore throat that lasts longer than three to five days
- Wheezing
- A stiff neck
- Symptoms that get worse, not better
- Difficulty drinking or keeping down fluids
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Chest pain
People older than 65, those who are immunocompromised, and those living with chronic diseases are at higher risk of complications from the flu, says Paz. If you are in a high-risk group and have flu symptoms, call your doctor as soon as possible.
You should also call a doctor immediately if an infant under three months has a rectal temperature over 100.4 °F, or a child under the age of 2 has a persistent fever, says Paz.
Insider's takeaway
As a general rule, it's best to connect with your doctor if you think you have the flu.
"If they test you within the first 24 hours or so, your doctor may start you on antiviral medications to shorten the course of your illness," Paz says.
However, you can often manage the flu at home with a wide variety of treatments and remedies.
Over-the-counter pain medications, warm baths, salt water gargles, and a humid environment can help alleviate symptoms as you're on the road to recovery.