• A family scapegoat takes on the blame for larger family issues.
  • This person often becomes the black sheep of the family, who doesn't fit in with family norms. 
  • A therapist shared signs you might be the scapegoat of your family.

In some dysfunctional families, a particular dynamic can take place, according to Annie Wright, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Berkeley, California. One person, often a child, might be blamed for larger family issues. This person then becomes the family scapegoat — and is usually also the black sheep or outsider of the family.

Wright said that family scapegoats are "effectively the person who holds the unconscious collective burden of the family."

A classic example Wright provided is a family coming into therapy with two teenagers: one who stays up late smoking weed and playing video games, and the other who is class valedictorian. The parents will often point to the weed-smoking "problem child" as someone to fix in therapy.

But behind the scenes, the dad could be having an affair, the parents could be having explosive fights, and the marriage could be breaking down.

"Clearly what's happening is that there's a family systems issue, but they're pointing to one person as the scapegoat," Wright said.

Wright shared four signs you might be the scapegoat of your family, even if you are doing your best to fit in.

1. You don't fit in with your family's norms

Wright said that family scapegoats usually have something in common: they don't easily fit in with the rest of their family. They're usually "the person who acts antithetical to the norms of the family," she said, making them the black sheep.

For example, if you're the one failing all your classes in a family of Ivy Leaguers, you might end up as the scapegoat. But if you're in a different family system that focuses more on rigid gender roles, you might be the scapegoat if you're the first woman to go to college and more outspoken.

2. You're torn between rebelling and wanting acceptance in your family

Wright said there's a wide spectrum to how people respond to being the family scapegoat.

"At the far end of the spectrum, they really embrace that identity," Wright said, noting that some people can lean into the black sheep label and continually try to rebel against their family.

On the other end, "people can fight tooth and nail to fit in after the very painful experience of being rejected by a family system," she said.

And between those two extremes, she said many people can relate to both wanting to separate from their family while also yearning for approval.

3. You have trouble trusting others

Wright said that people who are the scapegoats in their family often also struggle in other relationships, too, because family dynamics shape us as adults.

They may experience social challenges such as "feeling like they can trust others, feeling like it's safe to be themselves, feeling like they can assert themselves and have that be OK," Wright said.

These challenges can also be compounded based on other dysfunctions in the family, such as having a reactive parent.

4. You seek out friends and partners who are very critical of you

It's common to be drawn to what feels familiar, so you might unconsciously seek out relationships where you still feel like the one taking all the blame.

"If at some level you had a family system that othered you, you might be drawn to partners or friends who are critical of the way you are," Wright said.

However, she noted this can change once you become aware of these dynamics and realize that you deserve better.

Do you have a story about unique family dynamics like these? Email the reporter at [email protected]

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